Industry 4.0 is a term that comes up very often in discussions related to robotics and artificial intelligence. But what exactly does Industry 4.0 mean? What is it used for? A very simple explanation to help you understand this concept and its importance in today’s world.
Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution. A new era, mainly, for the industry sector, characterized by automation, interconnection, machine learning, big data (metadata), real-data processing,… A whole set of solutions for more efficient production, smart manufacturing, and simplified supply chain management.
This is the first definition to get an overview of the subject. However, for a deeper understanding, it is important to go back to the first industrial revolution. Then, see the perspective of evolution for the years to come.
An overview of the evolution from Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0
As explained in some history textbooks, the first industrial revolution (industry 1.0), in the 1700s, was at the origin of several transformations and technical progress, mainly with the beginning of mechanization. In fact, the invention of new machines has changed sectors such as agriculture, industry, and the tertiary sector. New modes of production were developed, the system of transport and communication was improved, new sources of energy were discovered, a new organization of work was set up,…
The second industrial revolution (industry 2.0) followed at the end of the 19th century, with the use of new raw materials, such as steel, the evolution of machines, and the introduction of electricity in factories. The last one was a real turning point for the industry, as it increased the efficiency of machines and, at the same time, productivity. This was the starting point for mass production and production lines.
The third industrial revolution (Industry 3.0) represents the beginning of electronics, computers, and automation in factories. Starting in the 1950s, manufacturers began to use digital technologies and automation software in their production systems. Machines took over the management of minor tasks, which were previously performed by humans.
And finally, the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is the last one. Progress made in recent decades through the Internet of Things (IoD) has taken manufacturing techniques to the next level. Interconnectivity and real-time data access allow everything to be managed remotely, whether in an industrial setting or within other types of businesses. A way to increase productivity even further, improve processes and drive growth.
The future with Industry 5.0
As with previous industrial revolutions, Industry 5.0 is a continuity of Industry 4.0, with the addition of the human aspect as an innovation. Although the fourth revolution is still in progress, Industry 5.0 is already being discussed and is known as “cobot” or collaborative robot. Industry 5.0 focuses on collaboration and interaction between humans, robots, and smart machines.
Industry 5.0 aims to give robots the ability to think. However, the goal is not to replace humans, but to have assistant robots that can participate in everyday tasks, help in decision-making, or in research. This is an opportunity, according to Esten Ostergaard, co-founder of Universal Robot, to “create more personalized and human experiences for employees and their customers.”
Industry 4.0 and education with the Dobot Magician
Giving young people in Morocco and around the world the opportunity and ability to participate in the creation of tomorrow’s technologies and robots must become a priority for the education sector. It is important to start early to provide them with the basic knowledge of industrial vision and robotics, in order to prepare them for the rapid evolution of technologies and the demands of the labor market.
Preparing future generations for the next industrial revolution is one of the goals of the Chinese company Shenzhen Yuejiang Technology Co. with its smart teaching robotic arm: Dobot Magician. It incorporates the same features as an industrial robotic arm. However, it has the advantage of being compact and easy to use, allowing even the youngest to manipulate it.
In addition to that, an educational program specially designed to introduce students to the basics of programming, electronics, and automation, is provided with the robotic arm. Everything is done through a user-friendly and intuitive interface that offers unlimited development possibilities. Dobot Magician delivers an immersive and exploratory experience to increase interest in science and technology.
To learn more about Industry 4.0, the Dobot Magician, or our services in Artificial Intelligence, please contact us. The whole Almaxyra & Company team is at your disposal to answer all your questions.