Almaxyra & Company, a consulting firm, has made one of its robots available to the Ibn Sina children’s hospital via the Kaoutar Association for the protection of children. Along with Amina Bougdir, the president of the association, the iPal robot made a tour of the hospital’s departments to meet isolated children.
In these hard times caused by the health crisis, many children are being isolated to avoid the risk of spreading and transmission of the Covid-19. Throughout the crisis, the iPal robot will distribute candy and brighten the days of the hospitalized children. Its role is to take care of them and entertain them in order to make their stay less difficult. “It’s like having a nurse, without the risk of transmission,” said Amina Bougdir, the head of the hospital’s social service and president of the Kaoutar Association for the protection of children.
The iPal is the size of a 5-year-old child. It can easily be positioned at the child’s height to communicate with them and facilitate access to its various features.
One of the strong points of this robot is that it is easily to program, in order to adapt it to the specific needs of the hospitals departments. The robot has a touch screen tablet with many games and applications. In addition, thanks to the built-in camera and microphone, doctors and caregivers can be in constant contact with patients. This also allows hospitalized children to get in touch and talk to their relatives.
The president of the Kaoutar Association for the protection of children in Rabat, Amina Bougdir, said that children in the Kingdom of Morocco have the right to a quality care and optimal protection. In fact, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, has placed the issue of childhood at the heart of the country’s major concerns. The protection of children and the care of its youth are currently a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco. In this regard, the Kaoutar Association has made some remarkable achievements. It has succeeded in making a name for itself by offering children and the youth activities that enable them to develop their talents and abilities in terms of health and knowledge.
Almaxya & Company, for its part, is a strategy consulting firm that also offers learning programs and services in artificial intelligence to companies. It supports all citizen initiatives in favor of child protection. Its ambition is to support the various associative structures in the creation of a sustainable future and in the improvement of the living conditions of children, youth and adults. To this end, it makes its know-how and expertise available for the development of the African continent and the reduction of inequalities.